[News] 고온에 견디고 구부려도 작동…고성능 전지 개발 (KBS 뉴스보도)
Posted by Seongsun Lee | Comments Off | News
본 연구진이 발표한 고온에도 견디고, 구겨져도 작동하는 이차전지의 개발이 1월 21일 KBS 뉴스에 보도 되었습니다.
Posted by Seongsun Lee | Comments Off | News
본 연구진이 발표한 고온에도 견디고, 구겨져도 작동하는 이차전지의 개발이 1월 21일 KBS 뉴스에 보도 되었습니다.
Posted by Seongsun Lee | Comments Off | News
국내 연구진이 심하게 구겨져도 정상적으로 작동하는 리튬 이차전지 원천기술을 개발했다. 이 기술은 손목에 차는 스마트폰이나 두루마리 형태의 디스플레이, 입는 컴퓨터 등 다양한 '플렉시블 전자기기' 전원을 개발하는 데 활용될 수 있을 것으로 전망된다.
미래창조과학부는 20일 이상영(사진) 울산과학기술대(UNIST) 교수와 LG화학 배터리연구소의 김제영 박사 공동연구팀이 자유자재로 변형 가능하면서도 안정적인 리튬 이차전지를 개발했다고 밝혔다.
Posted by Seongsun Lee | Comments Off | ~2014
88. Jung-Hwan Kim, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Eun-Sun Choi, Jong Hun Kim and Sang-Young Lee*
Nanoporous polymer scaffold-embedded nonwoven composite separator membranes for high-rate lithium-ion batteries
RSC Adv. 4, 54312-54321 (2014) [Link]
87. Keun-Ho Choi, Sung-Ju Cho, Sang-Jin Chun, Jong Tae Yoo, Chang Kee Lee, Woong Kim, Qinglin Wu, Sang-Bum Park, Don-Ha Choi, Sun-Young Lee *, and Sang-Young Lee*
Heterolayered, One-Dimensional Nanobuilding Block Mat Batteries
Nano Lett. 14, 5677-5686 (2014) [Link]
"Highlighted in C&EN (ACS Publications)"[Link]
86. Ju-Myung Kim, Han-Saem Park, Jang-Hoon Park, Tae-Hee Kim, Hyun-Kon Song,* and Sang-Young Lee*
Conducting Polymer-Skinned Electroactive Materials of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Ready for Monocomponent Electrodes without Additional Binders and Conductive Agents
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 6, 12789–12797 (2014) [Link]
85. Chanhoon Kim, Minseong Ko, Seungmin Yoo, Sujong Chae, Sinho Choi, Eun-Ho Lee, Seunghee Ko, Sang-Young Lee, Jaephil Cho* and Soojin Park*
Novel design of ultra-fast Si anodes for Li-ion batteries: crystalline Si@amorphous Si encapsulating hard carbon
Nanoscale. 6, 10604-10610 (2014) [Link]
84. Jung-Hwan Kim, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Keun-Ho Choi, Hyung Kyun Yu, Jong Hun Kim, Joo Sung Lee, and Sang-Young Lee*
Inverse Opal-Inspired, Nanoscaffold Battery Separators: A New Membrane Opportunity for High-Performance Energy Storage Systems
Nano Lett. 14, 4438-4448 (2014) [Link]
83. Soo Bong Hong, So Hyun Park, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Sang-Young Lee*, Young Soo Kwon, Taiho Park, Phil-Hyun Kang, and Sung Chul Hong*
Triple-Layer Structured Composite Separator Membranes with Dual Pore Structures and Improved Interfacial Contact for Sustainable Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Adv. Energy Mater. 4, 1400477 (2014) [Link]
[Featured as a back cover image]
82. Jang-Hoon Park, Ju-Myung Kim, Chang Kee Lee, Sang-Young Lee*
Mixed ion/electron-conductive protective soft nanomatter-based conformal surface modification of lithium-ion battery cathode materials
J. Power Sources 263, 209-216 (2014) [Link]
81. Se-Hee Kim, Keun-Ho Choi, Sung-Ju Cho, Joo-Sung Park, Kuk Young Cho, Chang Kee Lee, Sang Bong Lee, Jin Kie Shim, Sang-Young Lee*
A shape-deformable and thermally stable solid-state electrolyte based on a plastic crystal composite polymer electrolyte for flexible/safer lithium-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A 2, 10699-10976 (2014) [Link]
(Invited for the themed issue)
[Featured as an inside front cover image]
80. Ju-Myung Kim, Jang-Hoon Park, Chang Kee Lee, Sang-Young Lee*
Multifunctional semi-interpenetrating polymer network-nanoencapsulated cathode materials for high-performance lithium-ion batteries
Sci. Rep. 4, 4602 (2014) [Link]
79. Eun-Ho Lee, Ju-Hyun Cho, Ju-Myung Kim, Jang-Hoon Park, Sang-Young Lee*
Facile surface modification of high-voltage lithium-ion battery cathode materials with electroconductive zinc antimonate colloidal nanoparticles
RSC Adv. 4, 15630-15634 (2014) [Link]
78. Jung-In Lee, Eun-Ho Lee, Jang-Hoon Park, Soojin Park* and Sang-Young Lee*
Ultrahigh-Energy-Density Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on a High-Capacity Anode and a High-Voltage Cathode with an Electroconductive Nanoparticle Shell
Adv. Energy Mater. 4, 1301542 (2014) [Link]
77. Ji-Hye Won, Hyeon-Ji Lee, Jun-Muk Lim, Jung-Hwan Kim, Young-Taik Hong*, Sang-Young Lee*
Anomalous behavior of proton transport and dimensional stability of sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) nonwoven/silicate composite proton exchange membrane with dual phase co-continuous morphology
J. Membr. Sci. 450, 235-241 (2014) [Link]
76. Keun-Ho Choi, Sung-Ju Cho, Se-Hee Kim, Yo Han Kwon, Je Young Kim, Sang-Young Lee*
Thin, Deformable, and Safety-Reinforced Plastic Crystal Polymer Electrolytes for High-Performance Flexible Lithium-Ion Batteries
Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 44-52 (2014) [Link]