Advanced Membranes for Energy Applications
Advanced Separator Membranes for Rechargeable Batteries

- Superlattice crystals-mimic flexible/functional ceramic separator membranes
- Precisely ordered/well-reticulated nanoporous inverse opal-nanoscaffold battery separators
- Block copolymer(BCP)-based porous membranes featuring hierarchical multiscale porous structures
- Design and tuning of porous structure of separator membranes with optimized attributes
- On-demand physicochemical/electrochemical functionalization of separator membranes
Proton-Conductive Composite Membranes for PEMFCs

- Proton-conductive, reinforced composite membranes for PEMFCs
- Organic/inorganic hybrid proton exchange membranes for high-temperature/low-humidity PEMFCs
- Electrospinning/spray-assisted nano-structure controlled proton exchange membranes
Permselective Ion Exchange Membranes for Zn-Air Batteries

- Permselective ion exchange membranes for rechargeable Zn-Air batteries
- Membranes with high OH-/zincate ion selectivity and long-term cyclability
- Nano-structure controlled membranes with high ion selectivity